Feel like you’ve exhausted your current strategies?

Constantly overthinking and second-guessing your next move?

Hitting your first million is #goals?

Look, building a coaching empire  doesn’t happen by accident.
It takes a customized strategy and structure that scales.

Before you go any further, let’s ensure we’re a good fit.

This mastermind is not for the faint-hearted. I will push you to grow and expect you to execute.

Babysitting isn’t my thing.
Two-hour work days are also not my thing.

If you’re a natural-born leader with a burning desire to impact the masses, build a legacy and grind, you’ve found your match. Keep reading.

There’s no doubt you’ve got success on lock.

+You are totally overwhelmed with all the things it takes to both manage your 1:1 clients and run a business.

+ You need a business strategy that’s designed to scale

+ You’re so over that solopreneur life. Bring on a team support, please!

+ You’re ready to jump off the revenue rollercoaster and start seeing consistent income

+ You’ve realized you can’t keep taking on 1:1 clients forever and you’re ready (or almost ready) to create a second offer.

+ TBH, you’re feeling alone as an entreprenuer and you’re ready to be surrounded by high-achievers to inspire and support you

 You are doing everything in your business manually: setting up payments, booking appointments, sending out contracts, following up with clients. It’s a lot of work.

+ You’re ready for a 360° upgrade (launches, outsourcing, bank account, lifestyle, ALL OF IT)

+ You’re ready to start making money while you sleep but aren’t sure what kind of offers to create to make it happen.

+You are totally overwhelmed with all the things it takes to both manage your clients and run a business.

+ You need a business strategy that actually makes sense for YOU and isn’t just your coach’s coach’s business model

+ You’re so over that solopreneur life. Bring on a team support, please!

+ Relying on pay-in-fulls is driving you insane because there’s no predictable income coming in

+ You’ve realized you can’t keep taking on 1:1 clients forever and you’re ready (or almost ready) to create a second offer.

+ TBH, you’re feeling alone as an entrepreneur and you’re ready to be surrounded by multi-6/7-figure CEOs to inspire and support you

+ You know it’s time to level up your skillset because reverse dieting only gets you so far (ie reading labs sounds scary)

+ You want to create a legacy and turn your massive vision of impacting thousands (maybe millions) into reality with a clear-cut path on how to do it

+ Making money while you sleep is the dream and it seems so out of reach

Hell, you’ve already built a 6-figure business. but it’s clear what got you here won’t get you there.

I know you can relate to these…

There’s no doubt you’ve got success on lock.

+You are totally overwhelmed with all the things it takes to both manage your 1:1 clients and run a business.

+ You need a business strategy that’s designed to scale

+ You’re so over that solopreneur life. Bring on a team support, please!

+ You’re ready to jump off the revenue rollercoaster and start seeing consistent income

+ You’ve realized you can’t keep taking on 1:1 clients forever and you’re ready (or almost ready) to create a second offer.

+ TBH, you’re feeling alone as an entreprenuer and you’re ready to be surrounded by high-achievers to inspire and support you

+ You are doing everything in your business manually: setting up payments, booking appointments, sending out contracts, following up with clients. It’s a lot of work.

+ You’re ready for a 360° upgrade (launches, outsourcing, bank account, lifestyle, ALL OF IT)

+ You’re ready to start making money while you sleep but aren’t sure what kind of offers to create to make it happen.

+You are totally overwhelmed with all the things it takes to both manage your clients and run a business.

+ You need a business strategy that actually makes sense for YOU and isn’t just your coach’s coach’s business model

+ You’re so over that solopreneur life. Bring on a team support, please!

+ Relying on pay-in-fulls is driving you insane because there’s no predictable income coming in

+ You’ve realized you can’t keep taking on 1:1 clients forever and you’re ready (or almost ready) to create a second offer.

+ TBH, you’re feeling alone as an entrepreneur and you’re ready to be surrounded by multi-6/7-figure CEOs to inspire and support you

+ You know it’s time to level up your skillset because reverse dieting only gets you so far (ie reading labs sounds scary)

+ You want to create a legacy and turn your massive vision of impacting thousands (maybe millions) into reality with a clear-cut path on how to do it

+ Making money while you sleep is the dream and it seems so out of reach

Hell, you’ve already built a 6-figure business. but it’s clear what got you here won’t get you there.

I know you can relate to these…

Only 4% of online coaches ever reach the million-dollar mark. This mastermind astronomically increases your odds.

My guess is, you probably didn’t go to business school (I didn’t either!). So why would you know how to build and run a 7-figure business?

But spend 8.3 seconds on Insta and you’ll probably see 12 stories about a “self-made” fitness coach, or the one who built their business through “pure grit and my own sheer will”.

Ok well, sure. But there’s one thing they aren’t revealing.

But, honestly, I’d bet money they didn’t actually do it entirely by themselves. They hired advisors and mentors to guide them. And maybe even started out with a starter course like Fitness Coach Academy.

Leave your ego at the door, because putting yourself in the room with leaders who have done what you want to do is the ticket to your quantum leap..

It’s pretty obvious you’re a good fitness coach. But if you wanna build your empire, it’s time to start acting like a damn CEO.

Look into the future for a second. After you’ve joined the elite entrepreneurs in THIS MASTERMIND, this is your new norm.

✔️ Your programs are sold out with a full waitlist, because you’re so high in demand

✔️ You know how to carve out time in your business that allows you to focus on growth and scaling (without sacrificing the client revenue)

✔️ Your team went from small AF to a pack, following and executing alongside you, ensuring everything is “business as usual” no matter if your in or OOO

✔️ Time boundaries are now a thing and you have ZERO hesitation about upholding them (your time is valuable y’all)

✔️ You bought the luxury bag, dream home and say “YES” to what you want

✔️ You’re increasing your revenue month-on-month and it’s all happening so easily 

✔️ Reading labs and working with functional cases feels easy

✔️ Launches feel seamless and bring in cash like clockwork the second you say “enrollment is now open” 

✔️ You’ve swapped messy action for structured strategy and now, the sky's the limit

I’m a 7-figure business consultant and strategist for online health and wellness coaches desiring to change history and build life-changing companies.

Real talk, I wasn’t an overnight success.

And that would make for a pretty boring story.

I was fired from my TV reporting career of a decade with just $825 to my name.

With my Emmy in hand, I followed my passion and said “fuck my fears” and started my online fitness coaching business.

I scaled my fitness coaching business to $250k in one year using my burning passion + expertise to carve out my niche in a saturated (not competitive) market. And that was just the beginning.

In two years,
I made my first million. 

That was without running ads, cold DM’ing 100 people per day on Facebook (gross), or running any free challenges. That was all just doing what I love - helping hundreds of fitness coaches around the world build the businesses of their dreams.

In three years, my company has made more than $2.5M.

It’s your turn to build your empire.

And that is why I designed Path to 4%.

Only 4% of online coaches hit the million-dollar mark. 

To give you a streamlined approach to your first million.

The intimate, high-level mastermind reserved for elite 6-figure coaches designed to streamline your path to creating a 7-figure online coaching business.

Yep, we do 12-month minimums because we want those who are committed to the process. 

Enrollment Open!

apply now!


I created this mastermind to  help you know and understand exactly what goes into building a 7-figure coaching business.

And there won’t be any of that distraction or revenue jealousy here, because you’ll be segmented into revenue brackets to keep you focused and ensure you’ve got the exact strategies you need to get you to the next tier. 


$10k-$25k (up to $300k years) 
Monthly private calls with Taeler


$25k-$50k (up to $600k years) 
 Bi-monthly private calls with Taeler 
 Private Voxer Support 
 Specialized expert calls for high-level scale

$50k-$83k (up to $1,000,000 years) 
 Monthly private calls with Taeler 
 Private Voxer Support 
 Specialized expert calls for high-level scale
 In-person private intensive with Taeler 
 In-person tier retreat

*NOTE: every bracket will be invited to the annual business conference as well as included in the details and perks described later on this page

The higher your scale, the more exclusive the experience becomes (because you’ll need it).

The days of finding a new coach at every income level are over – I’m with you all the way to your first million.

the 4%

the 4%

I’ll be your mentor every step of the way

to help you develop a bulletproof mindset, become the high-demand coach and build a million-dollar brand that stands the test of time.

"Taeler is different from other coaches in that she's truly good at separating fact from feeling and showing you how to do the same, while also being one of the most caring people that I know because she gives a shit about you as a human and not just as another client on her roster."

Elena C

See what else Elena has to say here

"I went from having 3 clients to being a 6-figure coach. Taeler feels like a true partner in your business..."

Jamie A

" TAELER has the freaking user manual, ya'll..."

"There's no need for you to try to guess and keep making mistakes and wasting time and lose money. Whenever this girl already has figured it out. She's like not handing it to you on a silver platter because yes, you still have to put in the work, but damn it, she's gonna show you and teach you how to do it, how to do it without wasting time.It's like the fastest point between A and B is a straight line. She's the straight line."

See what else Jamie has to say here

See what else Aaron has to say here

Aaron S


"If you're on the fence about making the investment, just know that the people who do get help move along faster. I was someone who tried to do it myself for a very long time."

the breakdown

⚡️ Kickoff call with Taeler to give you a roadmap to execute and scale with ease
[$997 VALUE]

⚡️Up to 8 group calls per month with Taeler segmented by revenue bracket for high-level strategy and specific topic trainings to help you elevate your business with plenty of Q&A time
[$38,097 VALUE]

⚡️Private calls with Taeler for laser focus on your business and a step-by-step strategy creation to help you scale fast AF (frequency varies by revenue bracket)
[$7597 VALUE]

⚡️Weekly sales trainings and call audits to give you top-level sales skills and confidence in your marketing
[$4997 VALUE]

⚡️Daily copy review in Slack to ensure your sales assets are next level and eye-catching

⚡️Daily group Slack support where you can access Taeler + a team of experts M-F for questions as they pop up + tons of love along the way

⚡️Quarterly operations calls with systems and automations guru Qwantel (and Taeler’s OBM) to ensure you’re supported on the backend and implementation side [$8097 VALUE] 

⚡️Quarterly financial literacy call with financial planner Shawn Handquist to assist in tax preparation and your wealth portfolio – both personal and professional
[$5997 VALUE]


🔓 One Virtual Retreat where we dive deep into sales planning, funnel building, mindset and implementation
[$14,097 VALUE]

🔓Invitation to the annual business conference in Dallas where we get to connect, learn and celebrate what we’ve built (see you there)

⭐️BONUS access to Fitness Coach Academy for review on content creation, sales secrets and polishing your back-end
[$5000 VALUE]

⭐️BONUS 90-minute private intensive *when you pay in full*
[$997 VALUE]

All of this is more than a $100,000 value,
but you’ll get it all for much, much less (like wayyyy less).


the breakdown

⚡️ Kickoff call with Taeler to give you a roadmap to execute and scale with ease
[$997 VALUE]

⚡️Up to 8 group calls per month with Taeler segmented by revenue bracket for high-level strategy and specific topic trainings to help you elevate your business with plenty of Q&A time
[$38,097 VALUE]

⚡️Private calls with Taeler for laser focus on your business and a step-by-step strategy creation to help you scale fast AF (frequency varies by revenue bracket)
[$7597 VALUE]

⚡️Weekly sales trainings and call audits to give you top-level sales skills and confidence in your marketing
[$4997 VALUE]

⚡️Daily copy review in Slack to ensure your sales assets are next level and eye-catching

⚡️Daily group Slack support where you can access Taeler + a team of experts M-F for questions as they pop up + tons of love along the way

⚡️Quarterly financial literacy call with financial planner Shawn Handquist to assist in tax preparation and your wealth portfolio – both personal and professional
[$5997 VALUE]


🔓 One Virtual Retreat where for two days we dive deep into sales planning, funnel building, mindset and implementation
[$14,097 VALUE]

🔓Invitation to the annual business conference in Dallas where we get to connect, learn and celebrate what we’ve built (see you there)

⭐️BONUS access to Fitness Coach Academy for review on content creation, sales secrets and polishing your back-end
[$5000 VALUE]

⭐️BONUS 90-minute private intensive *when you pay in full*
[$997 VALUE]

All of this is more than a $100,000 value,
but you’ll get it all for much, much less (like wayyyy less).


a sneak peak at the Dallas Conference Recap

Here’s why that whole “maybe next time” excuse won’t fly:

You’ve decided that 2024 is your year, and you want to hit the ground running with a fool-proof plan to grow and scale your business with ease. 

You’ll get instant access to a supportive network of fellow fitness business owners (maybe even your new biz bestie) so you won’t have to go at this alone.

You don’t want to waste another day Googling and guessing what systems and structures you need to have in place to support your growing biz.

You know it’s going to take time to build the business of your dreams. So you have to commit to the long game and start now if you want to 2-4X your business by the end of 2024


Know how to land sales, but you’re ready to multiply the speed, efficiency and systems.

Are currently making $8-10k months minimum in recurring revenue

Are highly coachable and ready to implement strategies to skyrocket your business.

Want to have a multi-5 or even 6-figure launch where cash flows in effortlessly

Want to make your first million but are struggling to coach your clients, market your business, set up the systems and do all the things (spoiler alert! You need to hire help.)

Would describe your current business strategy as ‘winging it’.

Know you probably need to add team members but aren’t sure if you are actually ready or you can afford it (aka you are terrified to take that step).

Love working with your 1:1 clients but need to find a way to carve out more time to focus on your business (without giving up that client income).

Are ready to upgrade your coaching skillset and learn how to utilize labs, address weight loss resistance and other cases (SIBO, autoimmune, adrenals, hormonal dysregulation, etc.)

Are ready to add another income stream (hello, passive income!) but don’t know where to start.

✔️ Know how to land sales, but you’re ready to multiply the speed, efficiency and systems.

✔️ Are currently making $10k months minimum

✔️ Are highly coachable and ready to implement strategies to skyrocket your business.

✔️ Want to have a multi-5 or even 6-figure launch where cash flows in effortlessly

✔️ Want to make your first million but are struggling to coach your clients, market your business, set up the systems and do all the things (spoiler alert! You need to hire help.)

✔️ Would describe your current business strategy as ‘winging it’.

✔️ Know you probably need to add team members but aren’t sure if you are actually ready or you can afford it (aka you are terrified to take that step).

✔️ Love working with your 1:1 clients but need to find a way to carve out more time to focus on your business (without giving up that client income).

✔️ Have the ultimate goal of upgrading your lifestyle and bank account.

✔️ Are ready to add another income stream (hello, passive income!) but don’t know where to start.

It’s probably not a good fit for you if you...

🆇 Are just starting your fitness business and are making less than $8k per month
(Sound like you? Check out the Fitness Coach Academy!)

🆇 You aren’t willing to do the work

🆇 Freak out about commitment.
Business, relationships, etc., you don’t like being tied down

🆇 Are proudly calling shotgun on the struggle bus

🆇 Change your niche every other week and lack clear vision

🆇 Aren’t interested in upgrading your systems and hiring team members to assist you

🆇 Don’t want to make more money

🆇 Aren’t open-minded to new strategies and techniques (because I’ve got a ton)

🆇 Just want to “make more money” – because I’ll tell you to get a job instead.

let's do this!

When you join the 4%, you will have experts, tools and customized strategies in your arsenal.

let's do this!

When you join the 4%, you will have experts, tools and customized strategies in your arsenal.

Still here wondering if this is the right move for you?

I get it. The results I’m talking about probably seem like a pie-in-the-sky dream. Thoughts like “it happens for other coaches - could it really happen for me?” are probably swirling around in your already overwhelmed head.

It can be hella scary to make an investment in your business, and your imposter syndrome is probably screaming at you louder than ever.

Even with the promise of a plan and the support from someone who’s done it before, you're probably feeling that sickening feeling in your stomach that comes when you think about all you need to do to get your business to where you want it (and still wondering, can I really do this!?)

And you might even be thinking "the LAST thing I can afford to do right now is invest in a business coach."

But here’s the thing...

(#truthbomb time)

Anyone, myself included, didn’t get to where we are alone. There comes a point, in every single business, where you need to get that support to push into the next level.

You’ve come a long way on your own and you should be damn proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Now it’s time to get the support of someone who can show you exactly what you need to do to crack that next level.

And of course, I’ll be here to support you every step of the way (so will our community) but…

This is about YOU investing in YOU. 


This isn’t really about you investing in a business coach.
This isn’t even about you investing in me.

It’s about believing in yourself, your coaching and your dream for a business that will allow you to live the vision-board life you crave. Whatever that looks like.

So, instead of thinking about ‘how much this will cost’ or ‘is this something I can afford’… think about how much your future dreams are worth. How much would your life change if you could build your empire sooner, rather than later?

With a bit of the right guidance from me, I have every confidence you will smash through to the next level of your business faster and with more confidence than even you thought possible. (trust me, I’ve seen it over and over again with my clients)

Believe me when I say, you’re worth it.

And you definitely got this.

✅ A whole-ass YEAR of ongoing support from Taeler

✅ Your own personal cheering squad and biz besties in our community

✅ All the tools, processes and systems you need to automate and streamline the backend of your business

✅ A strategy that is customized to your business and personal approach
as a fitness coach that will get you to your first million, faster

✅ Access to my other program Fitness Coach Academy that will ensure the foundation of your business is solid AF

I’ve told you a lot so far, so here’s a quick recap of exactly everything you’ll get when you join me for the next round of path to 4%

This is exactly what I need! 

if you’re still here and reading, this is the part where I hit you with some tough love.

You’ll hear me say that this fitness market is saturated but it ain’t competitive. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in the hard work to stand out.

But believe me, if you do the hard work - you will stand out and you will hit that million dollar goal you’ve been dreaming of. 

Here’s something else you should know: I’m not a babysitter. 

I resonate with coaches who are fierce and ready to go all in on themselves.

To become a millionaire, you’ve gotta be ready to put in the work. I’m looking for coaches who are hungry, ready to get after it and won’t make excuses.

Is that you? If you’re still here reading, I’m guessing it is. Apply for the mastermind now to get dibs on one of the limited spots. 

If you’re done with excuses and ready to grow, I want to work with you.

Alright y'all,

Here’s something else you should know: I’m not a babysitter.

I resonate with coaches who are fierce and ready to go all in on themselves.

To become a millionaire, you’ve gotta be ready to put in the work. I’m looking for coaches who are hungry, ready to get after it and won’t make excuses.

Is that you? If you’re still here reading, I’m guessing it is. Hit the button below to get on the waitlist for when 6-Figure Fitness Coach launches and be one of the first to get dibs on one of the limited spots. 

If you’re done with excuses and ready to grow, I want to work with you.

You’ll hear me say that this fitness market is saturated but it ain’t competitive. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in the hard work to stand out.

But believe me, if you do the hard work - you will stand out and you will hit that 6-figure goal you’ve been dreaming of. 


You've got questions,

“Can you guarantee I’ll be making 7-figures a year in my business by the end of this program?”

I don’t offer guarantees inside The 4%. The question is this: Can you show up and do the work every day even when it feels hard?  When you join the mastermind, my goal is to get you to the next revenue bracket within 6-12 months (depending on what tier you enter at). 

“Between my 1:1 clients and everything else, I’m worried I won’t have time to take on much else. How will I juggle this program with keeping up with my clients and coaching?”

Being an Enneagram 3/Type A Virgo, planning is my middle name. Clients find that after weeks of working together, they’ve freed up so many hours in their week. Want me to help you with your Google calendar? I got you, boo.

“Will I get to work directly with Taeler?”

Yes! Between 90 group coaching calls with me and our privae calls, you get me a lot. (Jokes aside, y’all might get sick of me by the end!) Really though….

“Is this only for fitness coaches?”

This program is for fitness, nutrition, wellness, embodiment, business and life coaches. If your products or services are tied to mental and/or physical health, this is for you.

“When does this program actually start?”

We enroll new clients on the first of every month. Spaces fill quickly since they are limited, and clients often secure their spots up to 90 days in advance. The fastest fingers get rewarded.

“Do you offer refunds?”

Nope. (And neither should you!) I teach the same principles I apply, and it’s YOUR responsibility to implement these lessons into your business. I’ve got a proven track record, and my students are getting insane results, because they show up and crush it.

I've got answers.

CEO’s take action.

So, What’s it going to be?

Welp,you’ve made it to the end.

dm taeler for clarity